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RECEIVED_AD — Event, class com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.AdMob
Dispatched when ad has successfully loaded following a call to AdMob.showAd()
RECEIVED_AD — Constant Static Property, class com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.events.AdMobEvent
Dispatched when ad has successfully loaded following a call to AdMob.showAd()
refreshAd() — Static Method , class com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.AdMob
Refresh the banner ad currently on display.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.AdMob
Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.AdMobAlignment
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