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LEAVE_APPLICATION — Event, class com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.AdMob
Dispatched when a user action on an ad causes the focus to change elsewhere
LEAVE_APPLICATION — Constant Static Property, class com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.events.AdMobEvent
Dispatched when a user action on an ad causes the focus to change elsewhere
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.AdMobAlignment
loadInterstitial(adUnitID:String, autoShow:Boolean, secondAdUnitID:String) — Static Method , class com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.AdMob
Loads an interstitial ad.
loadSystemAdvertisingId() — Static Method , class com.milkmangames.nativeextensions.AdMob
Load the System Advertising ID.
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